English 05.22.2023

English in Mind, page 30, read the postcard and answer the questions

  1. In Portugal, near the beach.
  2. Lucy like the hotel because the hotel’s got a swimming pool.
  3. Lucy’s parents are in the town and they’re doing some shopping.
  4. Lucy having breakfast.
  5. The weather’s really sunny and warm.

Page 31, check your progress

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-48.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-49.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-51.png

Page 32, special days

Page 33, vocabulary, months and seasons

Page 36, clothes

English 05.07.2023

Hello Javed.🙂

How are you?

I do fencing but I like watch in TV weightlifting very much. Two weeks ago in Yerevan weightlifting championships were held and I go there and I be very happy.

It’s all I can say. By

USA Weightlifting | Colorado Springs CO

My favorite sport

My favorite sport is fencing. This sport is very beautiful sport. I do this sport and I like this sport very much. Fencing is a combat sport that features sword fighting․ They wear beautiful white clothes and helmets.

English 04.10.2023

Hello from Yerevan. I have very happy school and very funny friends. My class is very good class and I love it. I love my teachers. They are very funny and interesting. I very happy in my school.

My old friend is Silvi. She has a dark hair and black eyes. She is very happy and good friend.

In my school I like my teachers because they are very interesting and good. They are our friends.

I like everything in my school.

Check your progress